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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Misunderstanding The Meaning of Love
Misconception The Meaning of Love Free Online Research Papers What is love? I don't get it's meaning? Today numerous individuals abuse and misconstrue the importance of affection. It is a word that is tossed around and has almost no significance for certain individuals any longer. Love is a ground-breaking word that tackles so much feeling that a great many people have never even felt. Love resembles a major warm cover that we can generally run and cuddle up in with no lament of what we have done. It doesn’t dismiss us, however cherishes us for what our identity is and doesn’t save a cost for our off-base doings. Like everything in this world, it is two sided; has the two its advantages and fallbacks. The genuine importance of affection is characterized to the point that it appears to be practically difficult to meet and actually really love somebody. The age of today has overlooked the genuine importance of affection. To begin, we have to characterize what this word is in our way of life today. As per the fourth release of the Webster’s New World College Dictionary, love is, â€Å"a profound and delicate sentiment of warmth for a connection or dedication to a person†¦ a solid preference for or enthusiasm for something†¦ sexual energy, sexual intercourse†(850). So in our own universe of today, we consider love to be a connection, an intrigue, or the demonstration of sex. For some it’s the entirety of the abovementioned, yet shouldn't something be said about the individuals who simply consider it to be one of these? There are various definitions inside the word reference for various cases, so is love something very similar? No. Our reality is so degenerate in its reasoning that we can’t even think of a straightforward definition for something that as individuals, feel so energetically about. We are confounded to such an extent that we give various cases, or cir cumstances that the word can be, not is, the thing that we are stating. What's more, we wonder why we don’t comprehend certain things any longer. Love is anything but a hard thing to characterize. If one somehow happened to take family for a model, what is love for this situation? Love here is always, difficult, excusing, trusting, reliable, support, accommodating, benevolent, tests ones patients, and confounding now and again. What different connections sound like this in our present reality? In the individuals range, what about companions and neighbors and good examples. On the off chance that we truly set aside the effort to consider it, by this rundown of what love is, we can say that we have an affection for music, or sports, or pets. It is when individuals include what love is acknowledged as that we begin to free sight of the genuine significance. So on the off chance that we realize what love is, than what is it not? There are a great deal of things that adoration isn't. Love isn't a fascination or invigorate like the hot young lady or fellow you see strolling down the road that you get the â€Å"hots†for. Love isn't sex or an equivalent word for sex as our reality considers it today. It isn't unkempt guarantees that spouses provide for wives and bad habit a versa. It isn't constrained, nobody can reveal to you whom you love or should adore. In conclusion, love isn't effortlessly incensed. To have love for a person or thing, one must have persistence. You can't adore something and resent it constantly. This goes with each part of ones life. Take music for instance; in the event that one is incensed effectively by the trouble of music, than why gotten oneself through misery and sadness when everything it does is baffle. The things that we love as people, we know on the grounds that regardless of what deterrents come in our manner we will do everything possible to ensure that is living and well. Love is our movement of direction in a ton of cases throughout our life. By adoration being to some degree a main impetus, love is something beyond a feeling. In a mission to discover what others felt about affection as a feeling, a conversation broke out with my flat mate Jacob Montague. â€Å"Love isn't an emotion,†he expressed. â€Å"It is an activity. You can say that you love your mother, yet do you truly adore her on the off chance that you never do what she asks of you?†This additionally goes with the maxim, â€Å"actions talk stronger than words.†There are individuals in this world who have a difficult time communicating they way they feel to individuals. So it is the seemingly insignificant details in life that truly mean a ton to them and permit them to communicate how they truly feel. Strolling up and giving embraces, clasping hands, kissing, or things not as physical: opening entryways, assisting with assignments, confiding in others with obligation, or leaving little notes of consolation to somebody in their post box. Love is as much as an activity as it is a feeling. In any case, what truly is the meaning of adoration? How might one pick a flat out definition? If one somehow happened to glance on the planets top rated book, The Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 says: In the event that I talk in tongues of men and of heavenly attendants, however have not love, I am just a resonating gong of a clanking cymbal. On the off chance that I have the endowment of prediction and can comprehend all riddles and all information, and on the off chance that I have a confidence that can move mountains, however have not love, I am nothing. On the off chance that I give all I have to poor people and give up my body to the flares yet have not love, I gain nothing. Love shows restraint, love is benevolent. It doesn't begrudge, it doesn't gloat, it isn't pleased. It isn't impolite, it isn't greedy, it isn't effectively irritated, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love doesn't have a great time underhanded yet cheers with reality. It generally secures, consistently trusts, consistently trusts, consistently preservers. What amazing useful tidbits. Despite the fact that this is the Christian meaning of the adoration given by God, who can contend with these focuses? This is an exclusive expectation for somebody to satisfy, yet the awards of this sort of affection are satisfying past your most alluring dreams. For this situation of affection, love resembles a major warm cover that we can generally run and cuddle up in with no lament of what we have done. It doesn’t dismiss us, yet adores us for what our identity is and doesn’t save a cost for our off-base doings. To cherish somebody in this sense, how would one be able to ever battle or be unsatisfied with somebody? We are for the most part people and are inclined to commit errors. On the off chance that one doesn’t put stock in transgression, they trust in great and insidiousness and bad behaviors. Furthermore, by really cherishing somebody in this sense and not tracking them, and genuinely having the option to pardon them in any condition, there wouldn’t be this jabber of 40-50 percent of all relationships winding up in a separation as indicated by, and the rate just deteriorates for following relationships after a separation. In any case, presently the inquiry is what is the contrast between this sort of adoration and genuine importance of affection. The affection that we have for our life partners, versus our family, versus companions and all that we feel enthusiastically about. Is there a distinction? There is a distinction in the feelings felt for various individuals, similarly as there are various activities that are communicated to show one’s love. For companions, the adoration depends on regard and trusting of conclusions and worth frameworks. These are the individuals we like to show our affection through giving them our time. The affection towards family depends on help, and pardoning and trusting of conclusions too. We give them love through help, continually being there for them, the time given, and the assessments that are given as a guide through life. For affection towards articles and interests, for example, sports and music is the self-satisfaction that is gotten from the achievement s that are picked up from each. In any case, albeit each of these are altogether unique with how they are communicated, they all have the equivalent When our age acknowledges what love genuinely is, and not only an indecent fascination, our reality in general will improve as a spot. At the point when individuals can begin to adore others instead of just themselves, excuse others for their off-base doings, and acknowledge individuals for who they are then we won’t have issues, for example, war and psychological warfare. Love is the enthusiasm to excuse under any condition, the effortlessness to overlook all off-base doings, the penance of oneself for another, and the capacity to be thoughtful even with absolute pulverization and regret. Could individuals accomplish this adoration? The appropriate response is indeed, however the longing to have it, use it, and become a piece of it is dependent upon each person to settle on that decision. Examination Papers on Misunderstanding The Meaning of LovePersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementWhere Wild and West MeetThe Masque of the Red Death Room meanings19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHip-Hop is ArtThe Project Managment Office SystemThe Fifth Horseman
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Answer the question given by the professor Essay
Answer the inquiry given by the teacher - Essay Example She is a significant character of the short story, since she is the key component of protection from change calculation. Emily turned into a survivor of her father’s desire, her honorable inception and popular assessment of Jefferson occupants, which devastated her goal to making family with Homer Barron. She concealed in her father’s home from the huge world as a snail and lived among old recollections and with dead body of her adored. 2. The main individual storyteller depicts an event in A&P to the intended interest group. This is a wry and unpracticed youngster, who doesn't pick words to portray appearance of three young ladies and his fantasies about Queenie. For instance, he focuses on her dangling bra ties and different subtleties, which Sammy uses to figure her environmental factors. Sammy’s omniscience is constrained, in spite of the fact that he gives a definite portrayal of air in the general store utilizing illustrations and generalizations of the customer adapted society, for example, â€Å"sheep†and â€Å"houseslaves†. Teenager’s prevalence over his associates and shoppers is unexpected. Sammy is shy of life experience, that’s why he contrasts Lengel and Sunday-school-administrator. At the point when he stopped from A&P, he was not really pondering the future and frustration of his folks. His quit was not an attentive demonstration and could never be evaluated at its actual worth by Queenie. Sammy is the significant character of the story, since he depicts, examines and by implication takes part in the plot improvement. He is wry and self-assured and doesn't regard his associates appropriately. For instance, he takes a stab at Stokesie’s family life and vocation to himself and overlooks his own disadvantageous social position. Sammy’s nitty gritty examination of Queenie’s suit, majestic walk, basic signals permits to comprehend he is disappointed with his work at A& P and covertly takes a stab at better life. Sexual intensity of Queenie and her companions upsets balance among male workers of the market. There is a concealed social clash of upper-and lower-white collar class, restricted life openings and how would they sway the fundamental character’s conduct. 3. In the focal point of â€Å"A Rose for Emily†there is a contention between exceptionally powerful society and the fundamental character. Utilizing Emily Grierson for instance William Faulkner shows how popular feeling and disapproval of social changes by an individual may modify one’s life. The story begins from Emily’s burial service and, along these lines, the creator is permitted to pass judgment on her activities freely. Emily Grierson had a place with neighborhood nobility of Jefferson and her future appeared to be prosperous. She was appropriately taught and moved uniquely in high circle. Her family lived in a major house and was rich as per nearby mea sures. Simultaneously, Faulkner gives barely any little traces of vulnerability. At the point when the specialists came to Miss Grierson as to making good on charges, they saw that calfskin of cowhide secured furniture broke, everything was secured with thick layer of residue. â€Å"People in our town, recollecting how old woman Wyatt, her incredible auntie, had gone totally insane finally, accepted that the Griersons held themselves excessively high for what they truly were†(Faulkner 81). In the contention with organization of Jefferson Emily carried on dryly and officially. She had never viewed herself as a common individual from town network, yet a person. She was glad and
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Minimalism Scares the Shit Out of Me
Minimalism Scares the Shit Out of Me Minimalism scares the shit out of you, doesnt it? You’re worried you’ll get rid of stuff you’ll need later. You’re worried what your friends, your family, your co-workers, and your neighbors will think of you. You’re worried you’ll lose your identity, your status, and everything you’ve given meaning to in your life. Me, too. Minimalism still scares the shit out of me. I know there are many people who are as scared as me, and I’m here to tell you that’s okay. I have always been the type of person who puts his whole heart into his beliefs. When I take on a particular ideal or way of life, I make the most of it. I do this to a fault. I have such high expectations of myself that I often expect perfection, which is probably why I stress out easier than most, why I have more anxiety than most. On top of the expectations, a lot of people around me love to point out every “non-minimal†thing I have in my life. They love to talk about how I own a condo, wear nice shoes, and have a nice haircut (yes, someone actually brought up my haircut), and the list goes on and on. But these people are only projecting. They feel as though I’m judging them because I don’t live the way they do anymore. You might be thinking, Ryan, why do you care what people think? It’s not about my caring as much as these people reaffirming negative things I already think about myself (with the exception of my haircut, which I’m quite fond of, thank you very much). I’m aware there are many things in my life I still need to minimize. The simplifying process, like life, is ever-changing. Minimalism is fluid. As our circumstances change, our versions of the simple life must change, too. The beautiful thing about minimalism is there is no right or wrong, there is no pace at which you must live your life, and there is nothing that says “this is how you have to live.†Minimalism is a journey, and it is scary for everyone. Read this essay and 150 others in our new book, Essential.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Dylan Thomas Do Not Go Gente Into That Good Night and...
Dylan Thomas Do Not Go Gente Into That Good Night and Catherine Davis After a Time In Dylan Thomass Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night and Catherine Daviss After a Time, there is a very clear concept of differences and similarities between the two poems. From a readers standpoint, they seemed to be quite a bit more alike than dissimilar. Through an investigative analysis, Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night and After a Time were proven to be comparable in almost every aspect in poetry, such as structure, rhyme scheme, and meter. At a first glance, both poems strike as death related pieces of writing. That is where the contrast of the two is distinguished. Do Not Go Gentle†¦show more content†¦In the concluding stanza, one is able to see why the author has all of this anger built up - his father is dying. With this situation, he wants nothing more than for his own father to not go easily out of this world. In After a Time, there is not much of a happy twist. This work, in simple terms, finds death and loss to be inevitable and repetitive. All loses are the same (Davis1414) is heard throughout this selection. In the authors viewpoint, we will go out of this world just as we came in - stripped. No matter how long and hard we struggle with the losses, these acts will come and lives will be claimed. All are completely equal in this life game, so it is not worth the struggle. This poem, in order to find a complete meaning, needed to be thoroughly examined by sections. The more death and loss that occurs signifies less that is still to come. In stanzas two and three, wit is discussed. One can use his or her wit to shame others, but that luck is unable to beat the game of death. One can rage as much as one wants, but in the end it is still all there. These facts are talked about in both stanza four and stanza five. The final stanza puts a quite depressing view on death. The author bluntly tells us to go gently because we will no longer need the things of today. Also, it expressed that all death is the same, and one will go out of the world just as he or she came
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Bank Fraud - 956 Words
Bank fraud is a crime that has been around as long as banks themselves. Anytime there is a large amount of money floating around, there are going to be people trying to figure out ways to get to it. In the United States, and most other developed countries, bank fraud is a serious problem that causes billions of dollars in damages every year, and is considered a federal offense. In China bank fraud is even punishable by death. Bank fraud is defined as attempting to wrongfully take money or property from a Federally insured financial institution. That doesn’t mean the banks are the only victims though. Millions of people every year fall victim to monetary damages that are caused by bank fraud. There are two main categories when it comes†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Credit Card Fraud: Credit card fraud is a very common crime. Credit cards can be stolen or created with a fake identity. Thousands of dollars can be fraudulently spent before the bank or the victim catches on. †¢ Fraudulent Accounting: Documents can be forged to inflate the perceived value of a company. This is used to attract large investments from the banks, when in reality the company may be worthless and never intends on giving the bank any return on their investment. †¢ Stealing Identities: Identity theft doesn’t only happen due to banking insiders. Personal information may be stolen via fake documents, phishing for information on the internet, through computer systems, or through various other avenues. The information is then used to take out loans or apply for credit cards using the victims personal informa †¢ Money Laundering: Money laundering simply refers to hiding the so urce where a sum of money originates. There are many ways for someone to launder money through a bank. Purchasing and selling securities, using the funds as collateral on the loans, and even writing off the money as business expenses are all common forms of money laundering. Protecting Yourself From Bank Fraud †¢ While the term â€Å"bank fraud†refers to criminals stealing money from financial institutions, that doesn’t mean their aren’t individual victims as well. For most people, the biggest threat is having their identity stolen. Once a thief gets aShow MoreRelatedBank Frauds in India are Substantial2419 Words  | 10 PagesThe number of bank frauds in India is substantial. It is increasing with the passage of time. All the major operational areas in banking. There are different area in Bank Deposits, loan, inter branch, accounting, transaction etc. Bank fraud is a big business in todays world. Banks these days are being duped of crores of Rupees, thus destabilizing investor’s confidence. The year 2005 witnessed the wiping of Rs. 1134.4 crores from the banking industry in India due to bank frauds, which was aboutRead MoreIncreasing Bank Frauds and Cyber Crimes2367 Words  | 10 Pageshighlight the increasing bank frauds committed through the Internet as the emerging white-collar crimes. The project first endeavours to explain the meaning of white-collar crimes, cyber crimes and corporate crimes and how they are interlinked with each other. Then there is a brief discussion about Internet crimes in the USA. This is followed by the example of the Mphasis-Citibank scam. The project concludes offering a few suggestions to control the rapid increase of bank frauds as cyber crimes. Read MoreThe Role of Internal Audit in Prevention of Fraud in Nigeria Banks . a Case Study of Equitorial Bank Lagos.9955 Words  | 40 PagesStudy CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Introduction 2. Types of Bank Frauds 3. Causes of Fraud 4. Effects of Fraud on Banks 5. Internal Audit function 6. 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I say people commit this crime becuaseRead MoreInternal Control and Fraud Detection in the Banking Industry (a Case Study of Guarantee Trust Bank Plc)11154 Words  | 45 PagesINTERNAL CONTROL AND FRAUD DETECTION IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY (A CASE STUDY OF GUARANTEE TRUST BANK PLC) BY OGUNDELE GBONJUBOLA 06271184 BEING A RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING, FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF ABUJA, ABUJA, NIGERIA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.SC) HONOURS DEGREE IN ACCOUNTING JANUARY, 2011 DECLARATION Apart from references of other people’sRead MoreCase Study : The Satyam Scam799 Words  | 4 PagesAishwarya Gokhale The Satyam Scam Studies suggest that there are four basic factors that lead to fraud. First, is the opportunity to commit fraud, second, the incentive to commit fraud, third, the rationalization of the fraudulent act and fourth, the capability to commit the fraud. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why Did the Titanic Sank Free Essays
Why did the Titanic’s maiden voyage ended in such disaster? One of the largest passenger liner of the early 20th century made in the history, having the first and final voyage 100 years ago, owned by the magnificent White Star Line, was travelling without interference through the calm waters until one of the sailors on board reported that the Titanic is heading for a vast and humongous iceberg in April 12 1912 at that lethal midnight. The disaster had caused 1517 deaths on board, though there were only partially of the passengers that survived the disaster; which strangely are mostly consisted of women and children. In this essay we will embark on a journey to find out the causes of the Titanic’s maiden voyage ended in such disaster. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Did the Titanic Sank or any similar topic only for you Order Now Competition and pressure for Atlantic passengers At that time, Bruce Ismay, the Managing Director of the White Star Line, was fierce about the competition for Atlantic passengers with other companies and the White Star Line wanted to show them that they could make a six-day crossing from Southampton to New York City. In order to meet this schedule, the Titanic could not afford to slow down, putting pressure on Captain Smith to maintain the travelling speed of the ship. Over confident by Captain Smith of the Titanic As the ship was manoeuvring on calm waters, the captain received several warnings about iceberg. In fact, the captain ignored seven warnings. If he was cautious and more concern than been on schedule, he would have slowed down the ship and put more crews to keep eyes on the icebergs, maybe the Titanic disaster would not have happened. Poor quality of the rivets in Titanic Besides that, a few million rivets were used to hold sections of Titanic together steadily. As some of the rivets were recovered from the wreckage and investigated, the result shows that the rivets were made of sub-standard iron which caused sections of the Titanic to break due to the force of impact of the ship and the iceberg. If a better iron were used for the rivets, the Titanic may have been able to survive the disaster. No binoculars for lookouts at night time and going too fast Other than that, though there were binoculars aboard the ship, hardly a crew knew there was even one in the ship. It is possible that the crews can give an early warning about the iceberg where the Titanic was heading to. In addition to the worst, as the warning was received by the captain, the ship was in full speed. In quick reaction, the captain adjusted the speed to reverse, which was a mistake. This caused the ship to skid a slightly and hit the iceberg at the side instead of head on. It was believed that if Titanic hit the iceberg head on, other than causing of a disastrous result, the ship may destroy the iceberg instead of vice versa. The lifeboat tales When the lifeboats were fitted onto the ship, there were only 16 of them on Titanic, which however only allow approximately 1648 passengers to be rescued, which is about one third of the total amount of people on board. This is because the ship rather provided comfort for the passengers than safety. And since the Titanic had the title of â€Å"unsinkable†, the people grew more confidence and they felt that the Titanic did not need much of the lifeboats. Addition to the trouble, Boards of Trade’s regulation stated that ships over 10 000 tons were only allowed to bring 16 life boats only. This would also mean that out of the original 64 lifeboats Titanic was supposed to carry, the White Star Line only provided life boats as legally required. Next, many of the lifeboats in initial stage were not fully filled and utilized. It was due to the lack of experience and knowledge of the crew members on board. It was believed that only about 50 members of the deck crew knew how to launch the lifeboats. It was Captain Lord of Californian’s fault It was said that the last iceberg warning was sent to Titanic by the Californian, at about 1 hour before the SOS message of Titanic went out. The crew of the Californian were fed up of hearing messages being sent by passengers on the Titanic to friends and family back home, telling about their great experience they had been having. As the crew of Californian saw the fireworks which was intended to be the SOS message, Captain Lord concluded that the passengers on Titanic were having a party. This was one of the great mistakes taken by the Californian crew, if they were patient enough to hear the distress message from the Titanic, they probably can do something such as arriving at the scene of the disaster earlier and save more victims. Conclusion At the end of the essay, there were several hypothesis of the massive and lethal event. Before the journey, the rivets should be made of a better quality of iron so that the ship is durable enough to withstand the impact of iceberg. During the journey, Captain Smith should be more cautious about the warning concerning about the icebergs and alert of first journey of this heavy duty ship and Captain Lord should be a little patient and put more attention on the SOS message which is extremely vital and significant for the people on board of the Titanic could be rescued by them. How to cite Why Did the Titanic Sank, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Essay on Schizophrenia free essay sample
Both the movies â€Å"Proof†and â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†portray the symptoms of schizophrenia. â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†centers around the character of John Nash’s downward spiral from a genius to mentally disabled and the acting, setting and storyline of the movie. In my opinion, the storyline of the movie â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†was much better than â€Å"Proof†. Throughout the movie â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†we saw the signs of schizophrenia in John Nash from having hallucinations that included his roommate Charles, Charless niece Marcy, and government of defense supervisor William Parcher. His delusions led him to believe he was more than a professor, he believed he was a spy and could break codes by review of specific magazines and newspapers. Compared to â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†, â€Å"Proof†also shows signs of schizophrenia such as Catherine’s conversation with her dad as if he was physically present. But some scenes in the movie where Catherine woke up from the conversation with her dad making it seem like a dream and the idea of schizophrenia was destroyed at many points. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on Schizophrenia or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Besides that, only a few types of schizophrenic diseases were expressed. In contrast, the plot of â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†shows the symptoms of schizophrenia better than â€Å"Proof†. Also the acting in â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†was well done by Russell Crowe even though it must have been a hard role. Russell Crowe’s performance as John Nash was exceptional, he was able to show the audience how difficult and how desperate John Nash was and how the symptoms were completely taking control of his life. His attitude changed from without seeming funny, he would go from an anxious mathematician to a loving and romantic boyfriend. Russell Crowe’s portrayal of John Nash allowed the audience to empathize with him and feel the pain he was going through. When compared to â€Å"Proof†, I felt that the characters didn’t portray the symptoms of schizophrenia very well. Catherine did not portray a young daughter’s role as well as I thought she should have. Anthony Hopkins who played Robert never truly showed an attitude of being unstable and throughout the movie he was calm no matter what situation he was in. Also, â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†won two academy awards while â€Å"Proof†had none. The settings in â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†were well chosen and for every scene there was a different location to explain the situation better to the audience. â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†had clear examples of what schizophrenic people see in normal compared to â€Å"Proof†. In â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†some of the settings proved to the audience that John Nash was in fact mentally unstable are the, private FBI headquarters The university they chose in â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†was an old and very impressive building. It showed the prestige of an Ivy League university which communicated to the audience how important John Nash was as a renowned student and professor. In â€Å"Proof†the setting was very basic; it didn’t contribute to the characters or the storyline as where in â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†it supported the storyline and added the credibility. The movie â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†portrayed the symptoms of schizophrenia better than the movie â€Å"Proof†; the acting, setting and the storyline of the movie communicated the downward spiral of John Nash which made the movie more effective and understandable. Both movies attempted to communicate the struggle of schizophrenia but â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†expanded more on the symptoms of schizophrenia. Tragically, these two math masters once had everything to live for until reality slipped away from them unintentionally and unwillingly. A Beautiful Mind gave a very descriptive and intellectual view on the affects of a mental illness. Through examples and situations it helped show circumstances that people must suffer with if they have schizophrenia or paranoia. A sense of hope was shown because Nash overcame his illness and with help many others can attain this outcome.
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